Lavender Farms Near Me is created by lavender farmers and written the old way – with human intelligence.
Lavender Farmers are losing the battle to being found organically in search engines: to Artificial Intelligence (AI) written blog posts and articles. Some websites that post these AI articles are NOT lavender farms or have nothing to do with lavender farms. They are simply diverting traffic from the lavender loving public to their website when these lavender lovers are just seeking information to visit lavender farms across the United States and Canada!
Are there lavender farm maps out there already? Yes. LFNM has not found a single lavender farm map that is not tied to a lavender grower’s association. Associations generally charge dues for members to be on their “find a farm” maps. Not all lavender farmers can afford association dues. LFNM offers free basic listings to lavender farms to make this website inclusive and accessible to all lavender farmers to share their information with the lavender loving public. These associations (which have their place with lavender growers) are not exactly lavender consumer friendly to wade through lavender grower’s resources to get the consumer based farm information they desire.
So here we are! The promotion of Lavender Agritourism will be front and center here, connecting you directly with lavender farmers. Not some dead end article on a website that has nothing to do with lavender.
Started in January 2023, sit back, help and watch us grow. The goal is to easily connect these lavender loving people to find the lavender markets & farms they are looking for: wedding venues, farmstays, u-pick, tours, distillieries, boutiques/shops, nurseries, etc.